表演的技巧, 设计的艺术, and the nuance of directing are pursuits for students who care deeply about story and recognize the impact 剧院, 电视, 视频可以塑造我们的世界观.
建立在一个全面的基础核心课程, you can choose from two areas of specialization to focus your 剧院 degree:
与Faculty紧密合作, Concordia’s 剧院 Department is a tight-knit community that will nurture your individual growth in performance or production and allow you to learn by doing. 剧院 majors have the opportunity to be a part of five full productions per season. 有着大胆的传统, 艺术作品, Concordia students are frequently recognized for their 工作 at the 肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节, 在社区内也是如此, and gain invaluable experience to pursue graduate school or immediate 工作 in the performing arts.