行为科学试图Explore人类经验的复杂本质,并遇到人性的重大问题:作为人意味着什么? Who am I? Who are they? What is the religious life of man? Why is there misery? What is the pursuit of the good life? How, then, shall we live?
In investigating these core questions, 我们发现个人如何思考和联系自己和他人. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的行为科学专业运用了人类学的工具, psychology, and sociology to create a foundation to investigate the dynamic between self and society; agency and structure; and nature and 文化.
As a major in behavioral science, 你将接受研究方法课程的培训, practicum experiences, and a rigorous curriculum. 我们的毕业生以心理学家的身份为社会服务, sociologists, anthropologists, 律师, social workers, 护士, demographers, and policy analysts. 继续攻读研究生学位的学生可以选择社会工作硕士(MSW)等课程。, marriage and family therapy (MFT), 护理, physical therapy, clinical psychology, counseling, law school, educational psychology, and seminary.
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行为科学专业让你有机会选择一个重点来聪明地为他人服务, ethically, 并且在社会和教会中,忠心地行上帝所赐的职分。